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End-of-cycle products & Upcycling


During the manufacturing process, around 15% of each roll of fabric becomes instant waste. In Europe alone, around 8 million tons of textile waste is generated each year.

How can we give our garments a second life?

In a report titled “A scrap of difference: why fashion off cuts don´t need to end up in landfills”  National Geographic Magazine mentioned that each year, around 80 Billion new cloth articles are created.

During the manufacturing process, around 15% of each roll of fabric becomes instant waste.

In Europe alone, around 8 million tons of textile waste is generated each year.

In response alternatives such as sustainable materials, circular design and zero waste pattern-making has been developed. 

Textile Waste

Of all this waste only 20% is recyclable, the rest of it normally ends being incinerated or discarded in landfills.

This % of production waste is usually the result of our todays patternmaking systems, the traditional manufacturing process as well as the problems that exist to recycle clothes with mixed material compositions. 

In response alternatives such as sustainable materials, circular design and zero waste patternmaking have been developed. 

This new proposal suggests new methodologies to prevent production waste or, in in case of compostable materials, its reintegration to the ecosystems.

For synthetic waste such as 100% polyester and nylon, sometimes it exists the possibility to recycle them.

On the other hand, if the condition of the garment permits it, we can intervene or redesign the pieces to give them a second live. 

What is upcycling?

We can prolong the life of our textile waste through creative solutions.

The upcycling consists in utilize different textile intervention processes, reconstruction and repairing to attain an object of equal or more value than the original.

An amazing example is the work of  Cristopher Raeburn, a designer that works with upcycling, using broken parachutes or military items that are already discarded to create high end fashion pieces.

There exist more options to reinsert old clothes or objects into the chain of value such as donations or new business models that work under circular principles. although the best way to mitigate impacts starts with responsible consumption. 

We want to invite you to check out the recommendations of our article about responsible consumption, starting is easier than you think!

Join the movement for change

The Fashion Alive project is dedicated to the development and promotion of zero waste pattern-making and fashion design, for a more sustainable, and enduring future.

Follow us, and keep up to date on the most recent developments as we inch closer towards the Fashion Events, which will be taking place in three different countries across Europe.

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