Fashion ALIve contest results


The results of the Fashion Alive competition are in! Deciding on the winners was a difficult process, given that we received 72 applications from around the world, each being better than the other.

Contest was launched earlier this year

The Fashion Alive  Zero Waste Fashion and Print Design competition had been launched by our partners in Madrid (Creamodite), with the purpose of incorporating the winning designs into a fashion show that demonstrates and exhibits sustainable and Zero Waste pattern-making and tailoring techniques.

The show will be  the first fashion show that includes textile designers, pattern makers and couturiers at the center of sustainable fashion creation.

FAshion alive

Fashion Alive is defined by its mission to disseminate and diversify sustainable printing and patternmaking methods that result in original yet commercial garments. These expermiental methods are guided by an intuitive approach, establishing new relationships between the body and its vestibilities, without sacrificing the main functionalities of clothing.

The results of the competition were announced. The competition received a total of 72 applicants, originating from a wide range of countries.

Without further ado: the winners

The Zero waste fashion contest winners are:

Bryan Bravo Osses,

Micaela Cluboug,

David Marti,

Santiago Iglesias Alonso,

Jamila Fakir-Salhi Akdi

The Print Contest Winner:

Florencia Lomeli Marín from the UDEM University of Mexico

We’d like to congratulate the winners and look forward to further developing their designs in preparation for the upcoming Fashion Event in Madrid.

So stay tuned!


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