Fashion Alive

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Fashion FILM

FASHION ALIVE europe 2023

A hybrid lifestyle that spans several genres… Our commitment? To promote sustainable fashion and its future, and in addition to developing our portfolios, we developed a fashion film.

What is a fashion film?

A fashion film is a creative audiovisual production that combines elements of fashion, cinematography, and storytelling. 

Normally, it is used to showcase fashion collections, brand campaigns, or artistic expressions within the fashion industry. How do they differentiate from a normal film or runways? They provide a dynamic and immersive way to convey the aesthetic and narrative behind a fashion brand or designer. Also, they are produced by brands, designers, storytellers and artists.

What is their main purpose?

To create an emotional connection with the audience and communicate the brand’s vision, values, and aesthetic, by telling a story that connects with their consumers. It also allows designers and brands to explore creative concepts, experiment with different visual narratives, and present their collections or campaigns in a visually compelling and engaging way.

3,2,1… Fashion Alive Europe 2023

As part of our commitment to promote sustainable fashion and its future, and in addition to developing our portfolios, we developed a fashion film. 


What can you expect?

A performance that deconstructs the traditional catwalk concept, by incorporating street performers, dancers and a light-show performance installation. A fashion film with a runway show that disrupts and innovates visual display, channeling the power of artistic expression as an engine for change in society.


How was it created? 

Fashion Alive 2023 is a European project with Italy, Portugal, Spain and Austria. In our 2023 catwalk performance it was presented Zero Waste Fashion patterns and fashion design collections. Through the use of unique methods and approaches in creating designs through sustainable project thinking.


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Circular Fashion

Our Method Design:

UMINHO as a project member has focused their research methodology in exploring the creation of fashion items recycling materials coming

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Zero Waste Fashion

Fashion Alive is a project dedicated to sustainable fashion. It was born from the spirit of collaboration between people, companies and Universities in the

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Fashion Film 2023

A hybrid lifestyle that spans several genres…

Our commitment? To promote sustainable fashion and its future, and in addition to developing our portfolios, we

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Fashion Film 2023

A hybrid lifestyle that spans several genres…

Our commitment? To promote sustainable fashion and its future, and in addition to developing our portfolios, we

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